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House Democrats Agree to Consumer Watchdog at Fed (Jun-21, 15:21 EDT )-- Conferees agreed to a Senate plan to make a financial consumer watchdog part of the Federal Reserve, instead of an independent agency.
U.S. Creates New Agency To Oversee Drilling (Jun-21, 15:19 EDT )-- Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has sworn in a former federal prosecutor as director of a new government agency to oversee offshore drilling and other oil and gas development.
Feinberg Says Faster Claim Payment Is Needed as Spill Cost to BP Tops $2 Billion (Jun-21, 14:56 EDT )-- Kenneth R. Feinberg, the newly appointed director of the fund set up to help victims in the gulf region, said that he would work to make payouts faster.
U.S. Stocks Pull Back in Late Trading (Jun-21, 14:40 EDT )-- Stocks slumped after an earlier surge inspired by ChinaĆ¢s move to allow its currency to appreciate against the dollar.
Panel Is Unlikely to Lift Drilling Ban This Year (Jun-21, 14:37 EDT )-- A co-chairman of the commission that will study the oil spill said it would probably not lift a ban until next year.
Justices Back Monsanto on Biotech Seed Planting (Jun-21, 14:29 EDT )-- The Supreme Court overturned a ruling that had barred the planting of modified alfalfa seed from Monsanto until the federal government completed an environmental review.
Is the $20 Billion Fund Actually a Victory for BP? (Jun-21, 14:26 EDT )-- The Deal Professor examines how BP may have come out ahead by agreeing to set up a $20 billion fund for damage claims from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
States to Investigate Google Data COllection (Jun-21, 13:36 EDT )-- ConnecticutĆ¢s attorney general will lead a multistate investigation into whether Google broke laws when it siphoned personal data off of wireless networks.
Regulators Failed to Address Risks in Oil Rig Fail-Safe Device (Jun-21, 13:23 EDT )-- The federal agency charged with regulating offshore drilling repeatedly declined to act on advice on how it could minimize the risk of a failure of the device, an examination found.
One Big Thing We Don't Know About Stocks (Jun-21, 13:10 EDT )-- Stocks are supposed to earn a risk premium. So why haven't we earned one in many years, and when will it start again?
Illegal Any Time (Jun-21, 13:09 EDT )-- Some Wall Street actions were arguably proper. Not the ones the S.E.C. now alleges against ICP Capital Management.
Health Insurance Costs Rise, Survey Finds (Jun-21, 12:50 EDT )-- Those surveyed said they were faced with premium increases averaging 20 percent when they sought to renew their individual coverage, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Anti-Noise Activists Oppose Sounds for Electric Cars (Jun-21, 11:41 EDT )-- Anti-noise groups face off with blind advocacy groups in debate on electric cars, which are virtually silent at low speeds.
Oil Spill Unravels The Future Of Net Making In Gulf (Jun-21, 11:35 EDT )-- Erwin "Bubba" Menesses is the last remaining net maker in St. Bernard Parish, La. His family has passed down the art of weaving nets for two centuries. But the Gulf oil spill has capsized his business, which is down 95 percent.
S.E.C. Accuses ICP Asset Management of Fraud (Jun-21, 11:00 EDT )-- The case involves a new type of target for the S.E.C. in its pursuit of wrongdoing in the mortgage market.
Jobless In May: A State-By-State Look (Jun-21, 09:08 EDT )-- State jobless rates dropped slightly in May, with 37 states and the District of Columbia reporting lower rates.
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