16 Alerts from Alertpedia

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Banks Help Small Businesses Get Loans (Jun-21, 16:46 EDT )-- Getting a small business loan can be tricky business anytime, let alone in today's economy.

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In Law Schools, Grades Go Up, Just Like That (Jun-21, 21:47 EDT )-- In the last two years, at least 10 law schools have made their grading systems more lenient to give their students a better chance in a soft job market.

Companies Offer Workers Incentives to Fly Coach (Jun-21, 21:35 EDT )-- Looking to cut travel costs, Energizer Battery Company shares the savings with employees when they fly coach instead of business class.

Frequent Flier: In Airport Encounters, an Embrace of Louisiana (Jun-21, 21:35 EDT )-- Robert LeBlanc, chief executive of the Lifestyle Revolution Group, has found on-the-road companions full of solicitude on the troubles of his home state.

On the Road: Complaints of Poor Attitude in Airport Body Scans (Jun-21, 21:24 EDT )-- Travelers said that they wished some agents using the body scan machines were nicer and that the procedures was better explained.

Advertising: Mars Campaign Promotes New Pretzel M&Ms (Jun-21, 21:06 EDT )-- Mars, the maker of M&Ms, is using social media as well as traditional outlets to promote its new pretzel variety of M&Ms.

Geisinger, a Health Insurer, Pays More to Save More (Jun-21, 21:03 EDT )-- By paying for nurses to track the sickest patients, Geisinger experienced a 23 percent drop in hospital admissions.

Cautious Optimism in U.S. for China’s Currency Move (Jun-21, 21:00 EDT )-- Trade experts say that companies that export to China will benefit, while discount importers that rely on China may not.

Labor Rule Changes Expected to Advance in Spain (Jun-21, 20:50 EDT )-- Madrid is expected to gain approval for its planned labor market overhaul despite fears that the changes will do little to ease Spain’s unemployment.

Amazon and Barnes & Noble Cut E-Reader Prices (Jun-21, 20:50 EDT )-- Barnes & Noble said it would drop the price of the Nook to $199. Responding rapidly, Amazon.com cut the price of its popular Kindle e-reader below the Nook, to $189.

Battles in California Over Escaping Mortgage Debt (Jun-21, 20:40 EDT )-- The California Assembly will take up a bill that would redefine the obligations of many defaulting homeowners.

Intel and F.T.C. Agree to Talk (Jun-21, 20:40 EDT )-- Over the next month, Intel and the Federal Trade Commission will discuss reaching some sort of settlement in a case brought against Intel last year.

Dealbook Column: Elon Musk, a k a Tony Stark, Is Paper-Rich, Cash-Poor (Jun-21, 20:40 EDT )-- Elon Musk, a serial entrepreneur who has made several fortunes, co-founded PayPal and is chairman of Tesla Motors, says he has no cash.

Tentative Deal Reached to Limit Debit Card Fees (Jun-21, 20:31 EDT )-- House and Senate Democrats announced a tentative agreement that would resolve a main difference between the chambers as they race to complete a financial bill.

Gay Workers To Get Family Leave (Jun-21, 18:32 EDT )-- The Labor Department intends to issue regulations this week ordering businesses to give gay employees equal treatment under a law permitting workers unpaid time off to care for newborns or loved ones.

Oil Spill Unravels The Future Of Net-Making In Gulf (Jun-21, 11:35 EDT )-- Erwin "Bubba" Menesses is the last remaining net maker in St. Bernard Parish, La. His family has passed down the art of weaving nets for two centuries. But the Gulf oil spill has capsized his business, which is down 95 percent.

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