RSS Feed Alerts
9 Years After 9/11, Public Safety Radio Is Not Ready (Sep-6, 15:50 EDT )-- Despite a $7 billion effort, experts say a nationwide public safety radio system may never become a reality.
Housing Woes Bring a New Cry: Let the Market Fall (Sep-6, 15:47 EDT )-- Some economists and analysts urge a dose of shock therapy that would shift benefits to future homeowners from current ones: Let the housing market crash.
Obama Calls for $50 Billion Spending on Transportation (Sep-6, 15:30 EDT )-- President Obama, looking to jump-start the economy and create new jobs, called on Congress to approve a far-reaching plan to rebuild and modernize transportation networks over the next six years.
Germany Agrees to Extend Life of Nuclear Plants (Sep-6, 15:13 EDT )-- Germany will extend the life spans of 17 plants while alternative energy sources are developed, which is likely to make money for power companies and the government.
Wind Power Wanes With Fading Federal Incentives (Sep-6, 15:00 EDT )-- Wind power, one of the largest segments of the renewable energy market, will experience a sharp decline in growth this year. The slowdown comes as a surprise because the stimulus bill included $43 billion for energy projects -- a big boost for...
Afghanistan Pledges Support for Troubled Bank (Sep-6, 14:46 EDT )-- Though the panic seemed to have lessened slightly, economists say the embattled Kabul Bank is still missing at least $300 million.
Anglo Irish Bankâs Future Brought to E.U. Regulators (Sep-6, 14:29 EDT )-- The talks precede a meeting of European finance ministers that could lead to creation of a system shielding taxpayers from paying for similar collapses in the future.
E.U. Chief's Comments Likely to Spark Farm Aid Debate (Sep-6, 14:25 EDT )-- The European Union's budget chief, Janusz Lewandowski, said Monday that farm aid should be reduced to about one third of all outlays so that funds could flow to research and innovation.
Obama Seeking $50 Billion For Infrastructure (Sep-6, 10:30 EDT )-- The investments in the nation's roads, railways and runways are part of a package of targeted proposals that must be approved by Congress, which is highly uncertain at a time when many legislators and voters are worried about adding to federal deficits.
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