RSS Feed Alerts
Cranky Flight Attendant Can't Have His Job Back (Sep-5, 08:12 EDT )-- JetBlue Airways says that there will be no second exits for famed flight attendant Steven Slater -- who captured the nation's imagination with his profanity-laced loudspeaker tirade and jump down a plane's emergency chute, beer in hand.
Green Column: U.S. Plays Catch-Up on High-Speed Rail (Sep-5, 07:29 EDT )-- The United States has virtually no fast trains like those of China, Japan and Europe, but that could change. President Obama has said that rail transport is a priority.
Jobs Report A Wash; Obama Opts For Half-Full Spin (Sep-5, 07:00 EDT )-- The latest jobs report had good news and bad news. Private job growth was up, but the economy still lost another 54,000 jobs overall last month. Host Liane Hansen talks to NPR's Scott Horsley and Yuki Noguchi about the unemployment numbers released...
Auto Sales Stall After Incentives Flood Market (Sep-5, 07:00 EDT )-- The U.S. auto industry posted dismal sales last month and prices for used cars have jumped. Host Liane Hansen talks with Micheline Maynard, editor for Changing Gears, a new public radio project that looks at the future of the industrial Midwest.
Prototype: Online Giving Meets Social Networking (Sep-4, 22:17 EDT )-- The actor Edward Norton and his partners started Crowdrise, with a mix of edginess and good-humored competition, to bolster online giving.
Digital Domain: A Strong Password Isnât the Strongest Security (Sep-4, 21:40 EDT )-- Elaborate requirements for account passwords may sound invincible, but experts say Americans arenât paying enough attention to other online security threats.
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