RSS Feed Alerts
China Fortifies State Businesses to Fuel Growth (Aug-29, 21:27 EDT )-- While China owes its rapid growth to private business, it is often the state’s companies that are on the march, in part because of state-bank financing and stimulus spending.
Intel Is Close to Acquisition of Infineon Wireless Unit (Aug-29, 21:23 EDT )-- A deal would give Intel a foothold in the market for smartphone chips, a segment that is experiencing double-digit annual growth.
Risk-Taking Rises as Oil Rigs in Gulf Drill Deeper (Aug-29, 21:20 EDT )-- As regulators investigate the causes of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, the broader dangers posed by the oil industry’s push into deeper waters have gone largely unscrutinized.
Bernanke Tries to Manage Expectations of Fed Role (Aug-29, 21:09 EDT )-- The Fed chairman, Ben S. Bernanke, has made it clear that the Fed cannot simply conjure up a recovery.
Iran Shifts Assets Out of Europe Banks (Aug-29, 20:47 EDT )-- The governor of Iran’s central bank, Mahmoud Bahmani, did not specify the amount or date of the transfers.
Time Warner Cable and Disney Are Near a Deal on Fees (Aug-29, 19:16 EDT )-- The two companies withdrew attack ads aimed at each other. They have been negotiating a new distribution contract for Disney-owned channels like ESPN.
Green Column: Cap-and-Trade Is Beginning to Raise Some Concerns (Aug-29, 16:10 EDT )-- Opponents of offsetting have likened the system to the kind of financial engineering on Wall Street that helped precipitate the recent banking crisis.
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