RSS Feed Alerts
E.P.A. Develops New-Car Grading System (Aug-30, 15:38 EDT )-- A proposed new auto window sticker assigns cars and trucks a prominent letter grade.
Markets Start Week With a Decline (Aug-30, 15:36 EDT )-- Traders cautiously began a week that will culminate Friday with Washington’s report on the August job market.
Airgas Rolls the Dice in Proxy Fight (Aug-30, 15:30 EDT )-- Airgas has made a smart tactical move in its battle with Air Products. Or maybe it is a desperate gambit. The Deal Professor explains.
Burkle: No Plan to Take Control of Chain (Aug-30, 15:22 EDT )-- Ronald W. Burkle has responded in a sharply worded letter to Barnes & Noble's criticism of his investing record and his slate of candidates for the company's board.
Dead Soldiers' Parents Sue Insurer Over Benefits (Aug-30, 15:20 EDT )-- The lawsuit was filed in July in U.S. District Court in Springfield, Mass. It accuses Prudential of profiting from the dead soldiers' policies with bookkeeping maneuvers and misrepresenting the way the beneficiaries could collect lump-sum payouts.
BlackBerry Gets a 2-Month Reprieve in India (Aug-30, 15:14 EDT )-- The government said it would study and test a proposal by the BlackBerry maker for two months as it tried to settle a dispute over corporate e-mail.
Japan Offers a Plan to Invigorate Its Economy (Aug-30, 15:07 EDT )-- Analysts said that the new stimulus steps announced by the prime minister and the further easing of monetary policy were too timid.
Where States Get Their Money (Aug-30, 14:59 EDT )-- The Tax Foundation recently broken down some new state and local tax data from the Census Bureau, and found some stark variations in where states get their tax revenue from.
Itineraries: Taking the Kids (and the Briefcase) on the Road (Aug-30, 14:40 EDT )-- Turning a business trip into a family vacation requires opportunism and a sense of planning.
10 Investment Mistakes to Avoid (Aug-30, 14:37 EDT )-- Jerry Miccolis, co-author of “Asset Allocation For Dummies†and chief investment officer of the wealth advisory firm Brinton Eaton, on 10 investment mistakes to avoid.
New York Rebounds From Slump, but Unevenly (Aug-30, 14:21 EDT )-- New York City has weathered the recession far better than was feared during the financial crisis, but outside of Manhattan the view is often bleaker.
Not on His Watch, USA Today Founder Says (Aug-30, 13:26 EDT )-- A letter Allen H. Neuharth, the former Gannett executive who founded USA Today nearly 30 years ago, wrote to the people now in charge of his beloved paper, has some sharp words.
China to Job-Seeking C.E.O.’s: Come Work for China (Aug-30, 11:30 EDT )-- China’s government ran an enormous help-wanted advertisement on Monday seeking professional managers for some of its biggest state-controlled companies.
National Review: No One Fix For Social Security (Aug-30, 08:46 EDT )-- Andrew G. Biggs of National Review argues, when it comes to Social Security, it's too politically risky to revive the Bush-era idea of personal accounts. A solution will come from a mix of government intervention and personal initiative.
HP To Buy Back $10 Billion In Shares (Aug-30, 08:14 EDT )-- Hewlett-Packard Co. said its board has authorized the repurchase of $10 billion in shares. The announcement comes as the personal computer maker is involved in a bidding contest with rival Dell Inc. for the data storage company 3Par Inc.
Foreign Policy: The Mobile Banking Revolution (Aug-30, 07:01 EDT )-- As recently as two years ago, mobile banking in the developing world was an object of skepticism among financial insiders. Jamie Zimmerman and Jamie Holmes of Foreign Policy explain why cell phones will do more for the developing world than laptops...
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