9 Alerts from Alertpedia

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Indian Companies to Combine (Jul-4, 15:07 EDT )-- Reliance Power will absorb Reliance Natural Resources, its sister company, in a share swap deal valued at $1.5 billion.

Google Looks to Emerging Markets for Android's Growth (Jul-4, 15:07 EDT )-- Google plans to push its Android mobile software in India and China and is exploring ways for developers to make more money from applications.

For Rivals in Spain, Rare Agreement (Jul-4, 14:50 EDT )-- Spain, with a spiraling deficit and a jobless rate of almost 20 percent, has moved to the forefront of Europe’s economic crisis, even opposing political leaders have come to agree.

Media Cache: Deal Gives New Life to a French Entrepreneur's Dream (Jul-4, 14:07 EDT )-- The sale of PriceMinister to Rakuten of Japan for $250 million shows that the French can create competitive businesses in even the most dynamic sectors of the economy, like the Internet.

Sony Remakes Its Music Company Act (Jul-4, 14:06 EDT )-- As it reaches out for new revenue, Sony Music is broadening the definition of a record company, embracing businesses that sometimes have only a tenuous connection to music.

E.C.B. Chief Sees Progress in Euro-Zone Economy (Jul-4, 14:01 EDT )-- Budget cuts and structural reforms will help cement Europe’s economic recovery, while bank stress tests will help restore confidence, the European Central Bank president said.

Greece Backs Away From Online Ad Tax (Jul-4, 13:58 EDT )-- The government has withdrawn a proposed 21.5 percent levy on Internet advertising that was meant to pay for the retirement of journalists working in online media.

BP Wants Partners to Help Shoulder Spill Cost (Jul-4, 13:07 EDT )-- BP has said it would pay for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. But its actions show it does not intend to go it alone.

Green Inc.: Airlines Fret as Emission Rules in Europe Are Set to Kick In (Jul-4, 12:10 EDT )-- The European Union hopes to lower emissions from flying â€" and nudge airlines into adopting greener practices â€" by making carriers join its five-year-old Emission Trading System.

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