26 Alerts from Alertpedia

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Quarterly investment outlook: Economists wary after stocks' recent slide (Jul-10, 23:00 EDT )-- NEW YORK -- Brace yourself when opening those quarterly statements from your financial adviser in the coming days. Investment - Business - Investing - Stocks and Bonds - Equities

Asking for a lower price can work, if you know how (Jul-10, 23:00 EDT )-- Allan Stark goes to bat for those who shy away from negotiating . He'll try to strike a deal with anyone -- cellphone provider, car dealership, credit-card issuer, even a physician -- and split the savings 50-50. His top negotiating tips: England...

Networking tips for summer (Jul-10, 23:00 EDT )-- Summer networking events are often casual occasions at parks and tennis courts. So Tom Dezell, author of "Networking for the Novice, Nervous or Naive Job Seeker," suggests these approaches: Camps - Recreation - Directories - Education - Music

Discount shopping: Consumers saving now but won't curb spending for long (Jul-10, 23:00 EDT )-- We'd all like to think the Great Recession has taught us a lesson about the dangers of overspending. New terms have entered the popular lexicon: "deleveraging" (a fancy word for paying off debt) and "the new frugality." More than two-thirds of those...

Just like the beach, a job hunt beckons in summer (Jul-10, 23:00 EDT )-- While some job seekers took a break in the summer months, Sheila Paige used the time to land interviews and contract work. This year, the manager of nonprofit organizations found June to be crazy-busy with interviews, and she had to choose between two...

Tips for bargain hunters on the prowl (Jul-10, 23:00 EDT )-- Suzanne O'Connor is president of BargainsLA.com. She shops for deals in Southern California and posts her discoveries on her Web site. Her best advice: Games - Video Games - World of Warcraft - Roleplaying - Massive Multiplayer Online

It's always the economy, stupid (Jul-10, 23:00 EDT )-- With merely five months before the election and the outlook grim for Democrats, we're starting to hear rumblings of a fight within the White House. The political side, we're told, wants to focus on the swelling deficit, which it believes is...

Critics question effectiveness of auditing oversight board (Jul-10, 23:00 EDT )-- Outside auditors play a crucial role in the nation's financial system. As the watchdogs of corporate accounting, they are supposed to protect investors. But after a series of spectacular failures -- Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, Adelphia, Global Crossing and...

Black voters still support Obama but are ambivalent about midterm elections (Jul-10, 23:00 EDT )-- KANSAS CITY, MO. -- Curtis Adams, who owns Curtis A's barbershop here and who is also the establishment's senior political analyst, is a close observer of President Obama. This is something of a full-time job itself at Curtis A's, a gathering place in...

BP works to swap out oil well cap in undersea maneuver (Jul-10, 23:00 EDT )-- BP took one step back Saturday in order to take two steps forward in its struggle to tame the gushing Macondo oil well at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, removing a cap that was catching some of the oil in the hopes of replacing it with one that...

Reading up on elder care (Jul-10, 23:00 EDT )-- WHEN THE TIME COMES Families With Aging Parents Share Their Struggles And Solutions By Paula Span, Springboard Press 288 pp., $23.99 The ladies like him. He's got jokes, so the staff likes him, too. Despite his reservations, my 81-year-old father-in...

Featured Advertiser (Jul-10, 23:00 EDT )

Help file: Be careful with security certificate warnings (Jul-10, 23:00 EDT )-- Q: When I tried to connect to a secure site, my browser displayed an error warning that "there is a problem with this site's security certificate" that strongly advised me to back out. Was it not safe? Security - Business - United States -...

How a business grew out of a failed social-media app (Jul-10, 23:00 EDT )-- In early 2009, Foursquare's chief executive sashayed out of South by Southwest with 2,500 users and enough chatter to launch a rocket. Social Bomb's founders, meanwhile, left deflated after the launch of their product, Paparazzi -- another mobile...

Struggling states seeking more aid from Washington (AP) (Jul-10, 20:17 EDT )-- AP - Governors hamstrung by the sluggish economic rebound in their states and bound to balance their own budgets are pressing anew for Washington to step up with more help, some say even if it means adding to the nation's red ink.

Governors face fiscal strain; AZ protest held (Reuters) (Jul-10, 15:25 EDT )-- Reuters - State governors meeting in Boston this weekend had plenty on their minds, from the Gulf oil spill to Arizona's border security controversy. But the economy -- and another year of fiscal pain -- topped the bill.

Struggling states seeking more aid from Washington (AP) (Jul-10, 14:15 EDT )-- AP - Governors hamstrung by the sluggish economic rebound in their states and bound to balance their own budgets are pressing anew for Washington to step up with more help, even if it means adding to the nation's red ink.

BofA bolsters compliance after $10.7 billion error (Reuters) (Jul-10, 12:58 EDT )-- Reuters - Bank of America Corp is beefing up its internal accounting controls after it incorrectly classified as much as $10.7 billion in short-term lending and repurchase deals for mortgage securities as sales, according to a letter filed on Friday...

German labor office chief says crisis not over (Reuters) (Jul-10, 08:03 EDT )-- Reuters - It's too early to say the economic crisis in Germany has passed because considerable risks to the recovery remain, the head of the Federal Labour Office, Frank-Juergen Weise, was quoted as saying on Saturday.

China shrugs off global fears with export strength (Reuters) (Jul-10, 03:46 EDT )-- Reuters - China's trade surplus in June topped expectations on surprising strength in exports that suggests the global economic recovery has remained on track despite worries about a fresh slowdown.

Economists see U.S. recovery weakening: survey (Reuters) (Jul-9, 23:02 EDT )-- Reuters - The U.S. economy will lose steam as the year progresses but will not slide back into recession, even though unemployment is unlikely to fall significantly, according to a survey released on Saturday.

Featured Advertiser (Jul-9, 23:00 EDT )

Optimism over earnings helps S& P 500 finish week strongly (Jul-9, 23:00 EDT )-- NEW YORK -- Stocks advanced Friday, sending the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index to the biggest weekly gain in a year, amid optimism about earnings reports and a rally in metals producers. Business - S&P 500 - United States - Recreation - Wall...

Senate Democrats yet to lock down votes for financial regulations bill (Jul-9, 23:00 EDT )-- As he shepherded a far-reaching and ever-expanding bill to remake financial regulations through the Senate during the past year, Sen. Christopher J. Dodd uttered the same warning again and again: Nothing's finished until everything is finished. ...

The growing buzz on 'spice' -- the marijuana alternative (Jul-9, 23:00 EDT )-- In the small backroom of Capitol Hemp, a head shop in Adams Morgan, a worker dutifully arranges an array of ceramic pipes displayed in a well-lit glass case. Another clerk helps a couple of customers as they peruse a selection of bongs and vaporizers. ...

Carlyle selling stake in health firm MultiPlan; regulators close 2 Md. banks (Jul-9, 23:00 EDT )-- Carlyle Group and a partner are selling their interests in MultiPlan to two other private-equity firms in a deal that values the health-care cost management company at $3.1 billion. Carlyle Group - Private equity - United States - Taiwan - Reuters

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