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Small-business loan program seen as a model (Jun-18, 03:39 EDT )-- The U.S. House on Thursday approved a small-business loan measure supported by Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) and state business Secretary Christian S. Johansson, who testified in its support last month.

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Obama Urges G20 Nations To Maintain Stimulus (Jun-18, 09:26 EDT )-- A pre-summit letter warned of an economic relapse if stimulus measures are withdrawn, and hinted that China’s currency remains too weak.

Death, Taxes, Soda and Fat (Jun-18, 08:51 EDT )-- More on the debate about obesity, medical costs and a soda tax.

U.S. Stocks Are Steady in Early Trading (Jun-18, 08:49 EDT )-- A light session is forecast as four kinds of stock futures and options expire.

Obama To China: Buy Our Stuff (Jun-18, 08:31 EDT )-- In a letter written ahead of next week's G-20 summit, President Obama takes aim at China's currency policy, and warns against hasty austerity measures in the U.S. and Europe.

Walgreen and CVS End Dispute Over Prescriptions (Jun-18, 07:47 EDT )-- CVS customers will be able to have prescriptions filled at Walgreen stores.

Walkout Closes Another Toyota Supplier in China (Jun-18, 07:43 EDT )-- The factory, one of two in Tianjin run by a subsidiary of Toyoda Gosei, which is 42 percent owned by Toyota, has been closed since Thursday.

News Analysis: Obama Twists Arms at BP, Setting Off a Debate on Tactics (Jun-18, 07:20 EDT )-- With President Obama’s successful move to force BP to establish a $20 billion fund, he has reinvigorated a debate about the reach of government power.

Pitfalls of the Health Mandate (Jun-18, 07:19 EDT )-- The health-care overhaul enacted in March leaves many opportunities for the healthy to game the system, an economist writes.

Q-and-A: A Pay Model for Ecosystems (Jun-18, 06:40 EDT )-- "If you can't measure it, you can't manage it": a United Nations research effort suggests applying this maxim to the earth's ecosystems by assessing the value of the services they perform. We interview the group's leader, Pavan Sukhdev.

Airline Workers Stumble Across Box Of Heads (Jun-18, 05:32 EDT )-- Authorities in Arkansas are investigating a shipment of dozens of human heads that were found by employees of Southwest Airlines at a cargo facility in Little Rock, Ark., last week. It turns out the heads were bound for a medical laboratory in Fort...

Uh-Oh: 15 Million Pounds Of SpaghettiOs Recalled (Jun-18, 03:55 EDT )-- Campbell Soup is recalling 15 million pounds of SpaghettiOs. The company says a cooker malfunctioned at one of its plants in Texas and left the meat undercooked. The Agriculture Department announced the recall late Thursday.

Hayward 'Deeply Sorry', Rep. Barton Also Apologizes (Jun-18, 03:00 EDT )-- Capitol Hill lawmakers grilled BP's top executive Tony Hayward in nearly 7 hours of hearings investigating the Gulf Oil spill Thursday. Hayward said he was sorry for the incident but refused to comment on technical decisions the company made leading up...

Authorities Intercept Cash In Pringles Can (Jun-18, 03:00 EDT )-- A man who authorities say tried to ship a fugitive $20,000 by stuffing it inside a Pringles potato chip canister, has been charged in a wide-ranging mortgage-fraud investigation.

Feds Crack Down On Mortgage Fraud (Jun-18, 03:00 EDT )-- The Justice Department announced Thursday that investigators have made nearly 500 arrests in recent weeks in a major crackdown on mortgage fraud.

Obama Faces Backlash On Drilling Moratorium (Jun-18, 03:00 EDT )-- As oil continues to gush from the Deepwater Horizon well, President Obama faces growing opposition in the Gulf region to his moratorium on offshore drilling and exploration. Even fishing groups say the oil industry should be allowed to resume operations.

Chinese Workers Strike Toyota Suppliers (Jun-18, 03:00 EDT )-- Workers at an affiliate in northeast China that makes plastic parts for the Japanese carmaker Toyota have gone on strike shutting down a production line. Earlier, workers at another Toyota supplier walked off the job. It's part of a rash of strikes in...

Despite Debt Crisis, Euro Zone Adds Estonia (Jun-18, 01:50 EDT )-- The small ex-Soviet satellite gains some power and influence when it becomes the 17th nation to switch to the euro on Jan. 1.

Afghanistan Moves Quickly to Tap Newfound Mineral Reserves (Jun-18, 00:40 EDT )-- Two hundred mining investors from around the world have been invited to a meeting in London next week where they will offer suggestions for how to develop huge iron ore deposits.

Nuclear Dumps Argue Over Diluting Waste for Burial (Jun-18, 00:30 EDT )-- The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is reconsidering its rules to allow moderately radioactive materials to be diluted into a milder category that is easier to bury.

House-Senate Panel Broadens Audits of Fed (Jun-17, 23:29 EDT )-- Reviews by the Government Accountability Office would also include transactions involving the Fed’s discount window and open market operations.

When It Comes To Retirement, 67 Is The New 55 (Jun-17, 23:01 EDT )-- Looking forward to retirement? You may have to wait a bit longer. A combination of financial pressures and aging populations is forcing U.S. states and European countries to raise their official retirement ages. Amid it all, a debate over how to make...

Wal-Mart Helps Small Farms Supply 'Local' Foods (Jun-17, 23:01 EDT )-- For Wal-Mart, the local food movement is a profitable investment for both its balance sheet and its image. Hoping to demonstrate environmental awareness as well as save on freight costs, the company is reaching out to small farms to supply its stores...

Resource Curse Solution: Give Money Away (Jun-17, 23:00 EDT )-- The discovery of natural resources often leads to conflict and corruption, which in turn hurt economic growth. A handful of economists are pushing what sounds like a simple solution.

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