20 Alerts from Alertpedia

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American Drugmakers Improve Access In Developing World, But Lag Europeans (Jun-22, 15:19 EDT )-- Four of the top 10 companies were American, a slight improvement from the rankings compiled in 2008.

Stocks Turn Lower on Wall Street (Jun-22, 15:02 EDT )-- Wall Street reacted to an unexpected drop in home sales and uncertainty about the energy outlook.

France, Germany and U.K. Support Bank Tax (Jun-22, 14:54 EDT )-- The three largest European countries solidified their commitment to direct bank taxes in the build-up to a G-20 summit meeting.

Judge Blocks Obama’s Moratorium on Deep-Water Drilling (Jun-22, 14:38 EDT )-- The White House said it would appeal the decision of a federal judge in New Orleans, who blocked a six-month moratorium on deep-water drilling projects.

How Did Rolling Stone Get the McChrystal Story? (A Volcano Helped) (Jun-22, 14:34 EDT )-- How Rolling Stone got a candid interview with Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal.

Gourmet Magazine Revived for the iPad (Jun-22, 14:25 EDT )-- Conde Nast will bring back its celebrated food magazine, Gourmet, as a free iPad application.

Job Ad In China: White Man. No Experience Needed (Jun-22, 13:31 EDT )-- Mitch Moxley, a freelance writer who lives in Beijing, discovered that he could make a living as a fake American businessman. He wrote about his experience making $1,000 a week as a fake quality control expert in The Atlantic article "Rent A White Guy:...

Lockheed Gets Back a $5 Billion Pentagon Contract (Jun-22, 13:28 EDT )-- The military contractor won a contract to support special operations forces, reinstating a program the company lost last June to a rival.

Judge Blocks Moratorium On Gulf Offshore Drilling (Jun-22, 12:59 EDT )-- U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman says the Interior Department failed to provide adequate reasoning for the six-month moratorium. The Obama administration had halted the approval of new permits for deepwater drilling and suspended drilling at 33...

Consumer Group To McDonald's: Drop The Happy Meal Toys, Or We'll Sue (Jun-22, 12:59 EDT )-- McDonald's Happy Meal toy promotions prompt kids to pester parents and foster lifelong poor eating habits, the Center for Science in the Public Interest claims.

France Loses; Warren Buffett Wins (Jun-22, 12:46 EDT )-- Berkshire Hathaway sold an insurance policy that would have paid $30 million if France won the World Cup.

Obama Says Health Law Shouldn’t Be Excuse to Raise Rates (Jun-22, 12:20 EDT )-- President Obama warned insurance executives on Tuesday not to use the law “as an opportunity to enact unjustifiable rate increases.”

JPMorgan Names Braunstein C.F.O. in Shake-Up (Jun-22, 12:20 EDT )-- JPMorgan Chase on Tuesday continued to shuffle its top management ranks, including by appointing one of its most senior investment bankers as its new chief financial officer.

Strike Forces Toyota to Halt Production at Chinese Factory (Jun-22, 11:43 EDT )-- Toyota Motor suspended production at a factory in China for the second time this month after workers at a supplier staged a walkout, the latest in a string of strikes in Chinese factories.

Europe Considers New Taxes to Promote 'Clean' Energy (Jun-22, 11:32 EDT )-- The British prime minister suggested new taxes on the heaviest emitters of greenhouse gases as the European Commission debated whether to pursue a tax based on emissions from motor fuels and heating oil.

India and E.U. Accelerate Efforts to Clinch Trade Deal (Jun-22, 11:13 EDT )-- The goal is a bilateral free trade agreement that is intended to triple the 53 billion-euro trade flow between the European Union and India within five years.

Consumer Advocates Critical of Annuity Proposal (Jun-22, 11:04 EDT )-- An amendment being proposed as part of the package to overhaul financial regulations could weaken the oversight of equity-indexed annuities, consumer advocates say.

Geithner: Taxpayers Recovering Bailout Investment (Jun-22, 10:53 EDT )-- Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner tells a congressional panel that banks have repaid about 75 percent of the bailout money they received and government investments have brought taxpayers $21 billion. But he acknowledged there likely will be a loss...

Three Signs Housing's Getting Weaker (Jun-22, 10:38 EDT )-- Some subsidies for the housing market are winding down. And the market's losing steam.

Health Insurance Execs Face White House Grilling (Jun-22, 08:04 EDT )-- President Obama is expected to warn insurers not to use the new health law as an excuse to raise premiums.

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