RSS Feed Alerts
Much-Despised TARP Could Make an Early Exit (Jun-30, 21:00 EDT )-- The Obama administration and Congressional Democrats proposed phasing out the program as a way to win Republican support for the financial overhaul package.
House Approves Finance Reform Bill (Jun-30, 21:00 EDT )-- The biggest overhaul of American financial regulation in decades won final approval from the House of Representatives, despite partisan acrimony.
S.E.C. Tightens Rules on Managing Public Pension Funds (Jun-30, 21:00 EDT )-- New measures would prevent campaign donors from using political connections to gain influence.
PACE Energy-Efficiency Programs in Jeopardy (Jun-30, 21:00 EDT )-- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac may not accept home loans if consumers take advantage of energy-efficiency programs.
State of the Art: Big Body, Big Screen: Droid X Is This Month’s Superphone (Jun-30, 21:00 EDT )-- Speed plus power plus no dropped calls plus clever design. They add up to the Motorola Droid X, the latest “best Android phone on the market.â€
Advertising: 2 Suitors for Newsweek Are Said to Be Ruled Out (Jun-30, 21:00 EDT )-- The owners of Newsmax and Thane Ritchie, an Illinois hedge fund manager, are reported to have been rejected by the Washington Post Company.
Crisis Panel Hears of Goldman Push for A.I.G. Cash (Jun-30, 21:00 EDT )-- The head of an investigative panel said Goldman was “by far the most aggressive†in its collateral demands before A.I.G.’s near collapse.
W.T.O. Says Subsidies Helped Airbus to Best Boeing (Jun-30, 21:00 EDT )-- The World Trade Organization ruled that European government subsidies gave the European aircraft maker an unfair advantage over Boeing.
Google to Add Pay to Cover a Tax for Gays (Jun-30, 21:00 EDT )-- Google will raise the salaries of gay and lesbian employees whose partners receive domestic partner benefits, to compensate them for a tax they pay that heterosexual married couples do not.
S.&P. Down 12% After Worst Quarter Since Late 2008 (Jun-30, 20:50 EDT )-- Investors tread cautiously a day after a broad selloff and two days before the government’s monthly jobless report is released.
Amazon to Buy Woot, a Daily Deal Site (Jun-30, 20:50 EDT )-- Woot is one of a cluster of shopping sites that have sprung up in the last few years in a wave of e-commerce innovations.
Microsoft Kin Discontinued After 48 Days (Jun-30, 20:50 EDT )-- The Kin, a Microsoft smartphone aimed at a younger demographic that began selling on May 13, was discontinued because of disappointing sales.
Conversations: Learning to Be Tough Beneath a Hard Hat (Jun-30, 20:40 EDT )-- A single mother finds ways to survive in the difficult government contract world and the male-dominated construction industry.
Ex-AIG Exec Defends Rise Of Risky Investments (Jun-30, 16:35 EDT )-- A former top executive of American International Group Inc. acknowledged his division more than tripled the amount of risky investments it insured in the three years leading up to the 2008 financial meltdown. But Joseph Cassano rebuffed accusations...
Worried About The Deficit? Blame Health Care (Jun-30, 14:59 EDT )-- Unless something changes, rising federal deficits will be driven largely by government spending on health care.
$11 A Pack? NYC Smokers Pay To Light Up (Jun-30, 14:19 EDT )-- New York is adding taxes to each pack in an effort to close its gaping budget deficit. The New York Department of Health estimates that 80,000 smokers in the state will quit in light of the tax. And while that will be good for their health, it's not...
TARP Puts Some Republicans On The Defensive (Jun-30, 11:07 EDT )-- The Troubled Asset Relief Program, which was created under President George W. Bush, is about to end. And many Republicans who voted to pass the Wall Street bailout in the fall of 2008 are now accused of being big-government supporters.
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