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Stocks Off Sharply as Consumer Confidence Falls (Jun-29, 15:38 EDT )-- The Dow industrials fell below 10,000 again after an index of China’s economy was revised downward.
House Extends Homebuyer Credit Another 3 Months (Jun-29, 15:20 EDT )-- Homebuyers would get an extra three months to complete their purchases and qualify for a generous tax credit under a bill overwhelmingly passed by the House on Tuesday.
Digital Magazines Don't Encourage Socializing (Jun-29, 15:12 EDT )-- New digital magazine applications fall short on social interaction commonplace on the Web, while excelling in design.
Google to Stop Directing All China Users to Hong Kong Site (Jun-29, 15:04 EDT )-- The move is an effort to appease Beijing as Google seeks to renew its license to operate in mainland China.
Wal-Mart Replaces Head of U.S. Operations (Jun-29, 14:57 EDT )-- Bill Simon, the chief operating officer, was promoted in a unit with a year-long slump in sales.
Performance at the Pump Goes Extreme (Jun-29, 14:36 EDT )-- Hypermiling stunts are back, but what do they have to do with real-world fuel economy?
Do Hungry People Take Bigger Financial Risks? (Jun-29, 14:34 EDT )-- Maybe what Wall Street's risk-seeking bankers really need is a better diet.
House Rejects Extension Of Unemployment Benefits (Jun-29, 14:34 EDT )-- The move means payments will stop for more than 200,000 people a week who have exhausted their benefits. Opponents raised objections to the estimated $33.9 billion cost of the package.
S.E.C. Settles With Former Staff Lawyer (Jun-29, 14:30 EDT )-- The agency agreed to settle a wrongful termination suit filed by a former staff lawyer who was abruptly fired during an investigation into possible insider trading.
Bank Tax Sets Back Financial Regulatory Bill (Jun-29, 14:30 EDT )-- Negotiations will have to be reopened after Senator Scott Brown disclosed his opposition if a bank tax is included.
Not So Neighborly Associations Foreclosing On Homes (Jun-29, 14:30 EDT )-- Capt. Mike Clauer was serving in Iraq when he discovered that his home, which was completely paid for, had been foreclosed on for a couple of missed homeowners association payments. His $300,000 home was sold on the courthouse steps for $3,500.
Shares of Tesla, the Electric Carmaker, Rise 10% (Jun-29, 14:29 EDT )-- In the first initial offering by an American carmaker in more than 50 years, Tesla sells for $17 a share and climbs to $18.75 on Nasdaq.
Picking a Marketing Firm (Jun-29, 13:57 EDT )-- How important is it that the firm you hire have experience within your industry?
A $19 Billion Bank Tax May Get Axed (Jun-29, 13:37 EDT )-- Democrats are re-opening negotiations today on the finance-reform bill.
Why Climate Stumps Even the Brightest Scientists (Jun-29, 12:28 EDT )-- A study finds that 14 of the world's top climate scientists have widely varying views about how much the planet might heat up in the future.
BP Offers Cash To Gas Station Owners (Jun-29, 11:12 EDT )-- BP is floating a financial lifeline to the owners, operators and suppliers of the gas stations around America that bear its name and have been struggling because of boycotts prompted by the Gulf spill. The head of a distributors trade group said the...
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