RSS Feed Alerts
Stimulus Package Bond Program Raises Doubts (Jun-15, 21:26 EDT )-- Critics contend that the low prices of Build America Bonds and high bank fees cost taxpayers.
Fed Adopts Rules To Protect Credit Card Customers (Jun-15, 21:16 EDT )-- The Federal Reserve adopted new rules Tuesday aimed at protecting credit card customers from getting socked by lofty late payment charges and other penalty fees. The rules respond to public and congressional outrage over practices by credit card...
Romanian Government Survives No-Confidence Vote (Jun-15, 21:15 EDT )-- The country is trying to rein in the spending that has made it among the most economically vulnerable in Eastern Europe.
Economic Scene: In Cap and Trade, a Risk of Acknowledging Costs (Jun-15, 21:00 EDT )-- A cap-and-trade system for power plants has great economic strength, but it also has the great political weakness of forcing the acknowledgment of related costs.
Public Safety Agencies Aim to Stop Spectrum Auction (Jun-15, 20:50 EDT )-- A House panel considering legislation to pay for a public safety network has a hearing set for Thursday.
IndiaĆ¢s Clogged Rail Lines Stall Economic Progress (Jun-15, 20:31 EDT )-- Economists say India must invest heavily in transportation to achieve its ambitions for growth, but it is so far falling short.
Obama: Spill Can Signal End To Oil 'Addiction' (Jun-15, 19:53 EDT )-- From the Oval Office, the president vowed to halt the Gulf oil disaster and make BP pay for the cleanup. But he said the spill is a "painful and powerful" incentive to "embrace a clean energy future."
NRA Agrees To Let Campaign Finance Bill Pass (Jun-15, 17:45 EDT )-- The gun-rights group agreed to permit House passage of tougher disclosure requirements on campaign advertising and other political activity, one day after Democrats pledged to exempt the gun-owners' group from the bill's key provisions.
Twitter Outages Linked to Glitches and Site Upgrade (Jun-15, 16:59 EDT )-- Twitter has been unavailable for hours at a stretch over the past week. Several factors are at work, including programming errors.
Experts: 2.52M Gallons Of Oil Leaking Into Gulf Daily (Jun-15, 13:57 EDT )-- Scientists say between 1.47 million and 2.52 million gallons a day are flowing into the Gulf of Mexico. Previous estimates put the maximum size of the spill at 2.2 million gallons per day.
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